Saturday, May 18, 2013

Garage Sale

This time last week, we were selling our junk at a garage sale. When you live out in the country, there isn't much opportunity to have a garage sale. No one would come. But, once a year town sponsors a city-wide garage sale. Those out of town people are able to rent a spot on the main street and bring their things in to town. 

The spot cost us $10 for the day. We arrived before 8 a.m. and set up in front of a vacant store, in the shade. We had a steady stream of customers most of the day. There were about 20 houses around town that participated in the sale, but I think most people came to the main street because there were several stalls together. 

We lasted until about 2 p.m. then packed up and came home. Collectively we made about $100 selling our old stuff, but Daughter made the most selling her Build-A-Bear collection.

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