Thursday, July 27, 2017

19.5 Bales

We finally managed to find someone willing to come cut and bale hay for us. It is the busy season and the larger properties get priority with the hay cutting services. We lucked out because he was on his way to a bigger job and detoured to take care of us.

Guv'nor has been working hard at improving the pastures. He does this with intensive grazing which takes more time and effort but is beginning to show the benefits.

The main section of hay pasture is about 12 acres. The guy who came used a huge tractor and cutter. It took him about an hour. He said later he was glad our gate was wide enough for him to get through. It was 14 feet wide. 

He came a few days later with the raking and baling equipment. It took him another hour to rake and bale the hay. We got 19-1/2 round, 6 foot bales. It's a little hard to compare exactly with previous years because the round bales this year were larger than the previous ones. We paid $24 per bale.

We have another smaller pasture to cut in front of the house but we'll have to find someone else because the gate is too narrow.

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