Friday, December 7, 2018

New Pullets

Once the processing was complete for the meat birds, it was time to move my new pullets to the chicken coop with the hens.

I used the same large dog crate to load and move them. Then we transferred them at dusk to the chicken coop. I kept them all locked up together the following day.

Pullets are young hens that are not mature enough yet to lay eggs. Mine are about ten weeks old. They should start laying around twenty weeks.

I have three new breeds: Blue Andalusian (gray), Red Star (brown), Black Star (black) and one "exotic rare" breed (black and white) that I haven't identified yet. I lost one chick in the brooder and one during the heavy rains.

So far there haven't been any serious problems having mixed the older hens with the young pullets. The only problem has been that some of the pullets are small enough to go through the fencing.

With the addition of the nineteen pullets, this brings my chicken count to 35. I'm not looking forward to my next task of culling some of the older unproductive hens.

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