Monday, April 29, 2019


Remember that friendly stray dog we had a few weeks ago?

We had been watching for signs of pregnancy in either of the goat dogs, and we first noticed that Sadie, our Pyrenees mix rescue dog, was beginning to have milk. I had counted out on my calendar nine weeks from the time I had witnessed them being friendly. The puppies were born about five days later.

There were six in the litter, but one was already dead when we first found them in the corner of the goat shelter. It was a male, a good size, and looked fine, so he may have been suffocated. The other five all seemed healthy - three female and two male.

It has been a long time since I've been around puppies, so I had to do a little research to remind myself that the eyes wouldn't open for about two weeks. And that they would need some sort of puppy feed around four weeks. Other than that, Sadie has been taking good care of them and all their needs. For the first week, Sadie was very protective and wouldn't let us get very close, but has gradually given them more space and allowed us to pet them. 

The puppies already are showing personality. One is a protector, and barks or growls when we get near. One whimpers all the time. One is a loner, and likes to sleep away from the others. A couple have a stronger Pyrennees look, while a couple have a more Labrador look like the father.

We will be looking for homes for them since we weren't planning for more dogs, and certainly don't need more to feed. They are five weeks old now, so will be independent soon. Technically, we've been told, they are Pyrador-mix puppies. Sought after by some. They are cute.

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