Friday, February 22, 2019

Trash Pickup

We've got our little Helper back for awhile, so we're putting him to good use picking up trash along our section of the county road.

He helped Guv'nor the other day and they filled up the back of the Mule.

Monday, February 18, 2019


These purple weeds have been everywhere this winter. I'm not sure what they are called, but they are a welcome sight when everything else looks dead.

**I've edited this post title after my cousin let me know what these weeds are called. Thanks MC.**

Thursday, February 14, 2019


I wanted to send the grandchildren a little gift for Valentines. So I did a little online searching and found some felt hearts I thought I could manage to make in my time frame.

I didn't think about taking photos until they were finished. The truth is, I didn't expect them to turn out very good, so wasn't bothered to take photos.

On the larger (4") hearts, I embroidered typical sweetheart phrases, copied from the online source. Inside the larger ones I added a crinkle effect with cellophane and tissue paper. Inside the small (2") ones I added a cotton ball to make it puffy.

The felt squares cost less an $1 each. The embroidery thread about the same. The crinkly paper came from the recycle bin. I used my sewing machine to stitch around the edge, but next time may stitch by hand using a blanket stitch.

Monday, February 11, 2019

Washed Out

Heavy rains in the past few months have washed out parts of the new goat fencing that was put up back in October. All that hard work just washed away.

It's hard to see from the photos, but the back section of the fencing that leads into the woods, also slopes down steeply and merges in places with the creek. All rainwater runs down the slope into the creek.

Seeing the fencing and cedar fence posts strewn about yards away from where they were, is a visible reminder of the force of flowing water. It is quite humbling to see the force of nature.

We're having difficulty getting someone to come repair the fencing. The Brothers are committed with other jobs and haven't been able to return. Plus it's hard to predict where the water will drain next time and how to prevent it happening again.

Until the fencing is intact again, the goats and dogs are roaming as they please. Thankfully we have understanding neighbors. There's not much we can do about it. As soon as we lead them all back inside the fence, they wander down to the breaks in the fence and just get out again. We are considering putting the electronet fencing back in places, but that's an equally big job.