Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Missing Bowls

Since the goat dogs are roaming, they seem to find it a fun game to move all the bowls around the property.

The cat's bowl from the back porch was the first to go missing. We couldn't find it anywhere. Usually if the wind has blown it, we can find it somewhere nearby. She doesn't eat much, so we substituted with an old yogurt container.

Then the dog bowl on the front porch went missing - the one we use for food. So we dug out one of the old ones in the garage, laid aside when we bought new bowls a few months ago. And then it went missing.

We were running out of bowls.

Lastly the large water bowl went missing from the front porch. It had been full of water. The two dogs and the cat drink from the bowl.

So one day when we had to go out to gather up the goats and lead them back, we went on a quest to search for all the bowls.

We saw one out in the field, and once we went to get that one, we spotted another, and another. All three out in the middle of the field.

And we even ended up finding one metal bowl that wasn't even ours!

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