Monday, March 5, 2018

Freezing Temperatures

The cold weather arrived right around the new year and we have had several days of below freezing weather, lots of rain, and some ice and snow. Mostly it's been a dreary cold few months.

Our main concern when the temperatures drop is frozen water. All the animals need water. So we have to make sure everyone has enough to drink.

We have a separate water line for the animals outside which has to be turned off. Remind yourself here about the process. The main valve is up by our front gate. We've decided it's better to turn the water off whenever the temperatures are forecast to be near freezing, rather than spend the next day checking and repairing leaks.

Guv'nor has set up the cow water troughs with automatic water valves but these don't work when the water is shut off. Most of the cows (the 'main herd' as Guv'nor calls them) are in a field with a large tank (pond) so they are usually fine throughout the cold weather. The tanks  don't usually freeze.

The four Belted Galloways and the three bull calves are both in smaller separate areas. So they have small water troughs that have to be monitored. The goats and dogs have a small water bucket that freezes easily.

Up near the house, the chickens are a little easier. I can bring their waterer inside at night, or take hot water out to them during a cold day.

Even the dog and cat have a water bowl that freezes.

So, we're not fans of freezing temperatures because it means more work for us. We'd much rather stay inside where it's warm.

The bulls are usually so thirsty they can hardly wait for the water to be poured.

Using 5 gallon buckets for warm water - too heavy for me to carry.

We also used one gallon milk jugs which are easier but take more to fill up the trough.

The goats and dogs don't drink as much but have a small bucket that freezes easily.

The main herd have a larger trough with an automatic valve.

One morning the ice was about an inch thick.

A leaf was frozen in the ice.

Ice art

Inside the chicken coop was freezing.

We got a dusting of snow one day.

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