The local garden center offered a class in beginning soap making a few weeks ago, so I thought I'd go and learn more. A few years ago I made a block of soap at a friend's house, but I was mostly just watching her do it and have long since forgotten what to do. I do remember that the mixing up of the lye scared me a little so I've been hesitant to try it since. A young couple who own
My Dearest Danae taught the class and provided all the tools and ingredients.
The class was on a Saturday afternoon and cost $30 and lasted about 2 hours. The process took less time than usual because the teacher had made up a lye solution in advance. The chemical reaction with lye and water heats the mixture which has to cool before making the soap. I didn't realize making soap was all about formulas and chemistry.
We used this recipe (all ingredients were
weighed on scales):
3.9 oz. lye
8.3 oz. water
12 oz. olive oil
6 oz. coconut oil
7 oz. palm oil
1 oz. essential oil
I have also learned that you must be very precise with your ingredients when making soap. We measured within 0.1 oz. with each ingredient. This is something I have to remind myself because I'm a "it's close enough" kind of cook. I am still surprised when things don't turn out properly when I have made a few substitutions and adjustments.
When we were finished, we took our block of soap home to dry. After a day, I took the soap out of the mold and cut it into 11 bars. The bars need to dry further for another 3-4 weeks.
The class was held in the owner's house next door. |
The soap recipe is very precise. |
Here are all the oils melted and mixed together. |
After adding the lye, which looks like cloudy water, you blend it quickly with a hand mixer. |
I added lavender essential oil and dried lavender to my soap mixture. |
We used simple cardboard juice cartons as our mold. |
I sprinkled more lavender on top of mine. |
Here are the ladies from the class. |
Here are my bars set out to dry for a few weeks. It makes the spare room smell lovely. |
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