Friday, October 6, 2017


One or two people have asked how they can know when I post a new story instead of happening to see when I post something on Facebook. So I thought I'd explain how easy it is. If you want to.

Scroll all the way to the bottom of any blog post. Like this one.

You should see a box under "Follow by Email".

Enter your email address. Click "Submit".

Blogger does not send junk email, but they will send one email initially to confirm your subscription. I guess this is to make sure you're not a robot or something. And that it was really you who subscribed and not some friend as a hilarious joke.

Look for an email from Blogger and confirm your subscription. You'll have to click on something in the email probably.

It's as easy as that. Then just sit back and wait.

When I post a new story, you will get an email from Blogger the following morning with the entire blog post included in the text of the email. If you really want to read it, make sure Blogger doesn't go straight to your Spam folder.

On a sidenote. This does not have anything at all to do with "Followers" on the top right of the page. I'm still not really sure what that's about, except that it does show a few people who may have thought my blog was a good idea in the beginning. And I think if I ever got a million followers I might be famous or could make some pocket money. Feel free to sign up if you can work out how.

But don't ask me about the RSS feeder because I don't know even what that is.

Oh, and on a second side note. If you ever are really bored with nothing to do, you can click on the dates to the right and read old blog posts and see how far we've come from those early days. I sometimes will include a link to an older post in a new post and if you click on the lighter gray words it will take you there.

And since you probably wouldn't read any of my blog posts if I didn't include photos, here's one of the moon setting this morning.


  1. That is why I was confused. I was a follower on the top right, and nothing happened. I followed your directions today. Thanks!

  2. I admit I'm one of those people who never scroll to the bottom of a page.
    I also never read all of the school announcements/activities all the way to the bottom. If the important info wasn't in the first paragraph or two, I would probably never read it.

    1. That's one reason I put the writing at the beginning of the post and the photos at the end. I figure at least you will scroll down to see the photos.
