Friday, October 13, 2017

Goat Fencing

The power seems to goes off on the goat fencing fairly regularly. Like just the other day. When the goats realize that the power isn't on and they won't get zapped, they like to stick their heads through the fence to reach for branches. Then because of their horns, can't get back through the fence. Sometimes they keep struggling and the fencing ends up in a real tangled mess. They sometimes pull the whole fence down and then they all get out. It's sometimes only when the dogs turn up on the front porch that we know.

The other day Guv'nor came inside saying he needed my help outside "for my brains". I tried not to laugh. As opposed to needing me for my muscles, I guess. Because as you know, I don't have much muscle strength.

Over the years I've worked out how to untangle the moveable fencing. It isn't as complicated as it might look. So it didn't take me very long. I liken it to a tangled and knotted necklace, which I also enjoy untangling.

But this time sections of the fence were damaged. So we decided to use some of the "old" fencing, previously damaged and put away, which was in better shape than the existing fencing. I managed to tie pieces together and it looked like it would keep the current. We ended up enlarging the goat area a little bit.

We're still working on a new goat area and new fencing. It just takes so long to get anything done.

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